Today was another big day in the Smith household... Owen rolled over from his back to his belly. Owen noticed his feet this weekend and it was just a matter of time before his curiosity would get the best of him. All morning long he was so close to rolling... I had my phone all set to video his big move. Looking back I had 8 videos of Owen moving from his back to his side and then back again. He went down for a nap and I was sure he was resting up for his big day.
He woke up, ate his bottle, and was ready to play. Pop had just come over to visit and was playing with Wyatt when all of a sudden.. bloop, he rolled over. No warning, no fan fair, just a roll and then playing on his belly; like he had been doing it all his life. Shoot, I missed the big roll:( Here is the picture of the result of his "hard work":
Is it true that a new milestone is very hard for a baby and it allows them to sleep longer? Here is a bit of proof:
As always I had a wonderful day with the boys. They surprise me each and every day. I was finally able to get a very difficult picture of them both smiling and right before bed (that is unheard of):
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