Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy 1st Valentine's Day Wyatt and Owen!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Keeping up with our yearly tradition, we all went for a delicious dinner at Friendly's!  The boys enjoyed a dinner of french fries, grilled cheese, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and to top it off.. watermelon sherbet!

Here are pictures of our peanuts enjoying the day!

I keep telling myself I am just as big as I was last year at this time (or at least I feel that way).  Here are both pictures for comparison. Yes I was bigger last year, but I was also 26 weeks and this year I am 22 1/2 weeks.  Happy Valentine's Day little one... we are excited to meet you, but you need to grow a lot more before you can join in on the fun!

Here is also to the love of my life.. Happy 10th Valentine's Day Jeff!  I cannot believe we have been together for 10 years!  I love each and every day we spend together!

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