Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Play date Wednesday!

The boys started off today with a play date of their own.  Wyatt and Owen love playing with each other as you can see in their faces:

After a quick morning nap (still working on the new schedule), we headed out to meet up with Tessa and Charlie, Kate and Trevor, Meg and Myah, and Katie, Josh, and Nick.  As always we took over a large piece of property near the splash pad and had a great morning!  Wyatt was a funny one, while laying looking at the trees, he decided to "talk" to the trees.  He would yell, laugh, smile and yell again over and over.  I guess you could say Wyatt "found" his voice today!

It isn't "Play Date Wednesday" without another afternoon play date.  Wyatt, Owen and I drove over to Mandy's to have a play date with her, Antonia, and Taylor.  We had a fantastic time.  Thanks for the fun laughs, great company, and cute pajamas!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This day is brought to you by the letter P and the number 2!

Today was a day of peas, prunes, Pop and two new milestones for the boys!

Milestone #1: Owen and I were playing in his room and he rolled over on his tummy.  I heard Wyatt waking up in the other room, I left to get Wyatt, came back, and low and behold Owen was on his back.  He rolled from his belly to his back!  Way to go Owen!

Pop joined us for lap time at the library.  The boys enjoy listening to the songs and watching the older kids.  Their favorite songs are Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck and the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  It is a lot of work participating and being so cute.  We came home and the boys took a 3 hour nap (at the same time)!

Milestone #2: Wyatt woke up first and was having some one on one tummy time with Mommy, when Owen woke up.  I turned around to get Owen, turned back and to my surprise Wyatt was now on his back.  He too rolled from his belly to his back!  Way to go Wyatt!

The boys are really enjoying their food, today we started peas and prunes.  Wyatt was a bit hesitant at first,

but he ended up LOVING it!

Owen, our little piggy, was also a bit hesitant at first,

but he too ended up LOVING it!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much Wyatt and Owen and we are so proud of you and your accomplishments!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Milestones!

Today was another big day in the Smith household... Owen rolled over from his back to his belly. Owen noticed his feet this weekend and it was just a matter of time before his curiosity would get the best of him. All morning long he was so close to rolling... I had my phone all set to video his big move. Looking back I had 8 videos of Owen moving from his back to his side and then back again. He went down for a nap and I was sure he was resting up for his big day.

He woke up, ate his bottle, and was ready to play. Pop had just come over to visit and was playing with Wyatt when all of a sudden.. bloop, he rolled over. No warning, no fan fair, just a roll and then playing on his belly; like he had been doing it all his life. Shoot, I missed the big roll:( Here is the picture of the result of his "hard work":

Is it true that a new milestone is very hard for a baby and it allows them to sleep longer? Here is a bit of proof:

As always I had a wonderful day with the boys. They surprise me each and every day. I was finally able to get a very difficult picture of them both smiling and right before bed (that is unheard of):

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, rain go away!

We had a visitor today: Brenna came to visit and Owen loved snugging up with her (thanks)! After her visit and our lunch I put on their sweatshirts and new hats (thank you to our Florida friends) only to find out it had started to rain again.. Boo! So.. We decided to take an afternoon nap!

We woke up (ate again) and guess what, the rain had gone away just enough for a walk around the block. Here is our picture of us all bundled up (honestly I think mom went overboard, but we were happy to be outside)!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

First of all I want to say a BIG thank you to my wonderful husband for taking care of the boys last night so I could sleep all night long (8:30 to 6:30!!)! I didn't realize it but I needed the sleep. With my hair cut today and a full night's sleep, I feel like a new woman!

Now for the daily update:

We think we finally have Owen's spitting under control! Yippee, applause, jumping up and down. We took both boys in for their weekly weigh in.. And here are the results (drum roll please).. Wyatt now weighs 7 pounds 2 3/4 oz and Owen weighs 7 pounds 7 1/2 oz. Where are my tiny boys going? We are so happy they are growing big and strong. Jeff and I constantly discuss how wonderful the boys are doing and what a true miracle they are!

The boys wanted to root for the Red Sox today since we told them of the walk off win on Monday. Here they are in their Red Sox gear:

Friday, February 18, 2011

26 weeks- too early to arrive!

On Wednesday during lunch, I felt a quick shooting pain, it went away and I thought nothing of it.  I went home after our staff meeting to lay down (it was a very busy day being the 100th day of Kindergarten)!

I took a "nap", but wasn't feeling that great.  Had on and off cramping, was drinking a ton of water, and laying on my left side (per doctor's orders).  Jeff came home and I told him that I still wasn't feeling that great, finally around 8:00 (just as American Idol started), I decided to call the doctor.  She told us to come in.  I was nervous, but really didn't think anything about it.  We got there around 9:30 and thank goodness Dr. Balcolm was on call.  I was hooked up to the monitors was checked out.  Dr. Balcolm sat at the end of the bed, rubbed my leg and said, "You are contracting, are 1 cm dilated, are staying here for the next few days, and we will be starting medication for the babies lungs and to stop the contractions."  What?!?  I am only 26 weeks, it is way too early, I was so nervous!

She said she was going to run a FFN test and give me a round of steroids for the boy's lungs.  I got the shot and they also started anti-contracting medication that made me feel horrible... shakes, balloon head, the works.  The FFN test (the test that tells you if you have the possibility of having your baby in the next 2 weeks or not) came back negative.  Thank god!

So.. what now.  I am officially done work for now.  I was admitted into the hospital to follow my contractions.  I am on medication to stop the contractions and I am on bed rest until the boys arrive.  Thankfully I was only in the hospital for two nights and the boys look great.  My job now is to rest and keep them healthy for a long time!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day and here is to week 26!
Jeff and I spent our night as we have done for the past 3 or 4 Valentine's.. ate a delicious dinner at Friendly's!
We cannot believe that next year we can take our boys there with us!
I hope everyone had a fantastic day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Jeff is definitely becoming an expert at putting things together! With twins you get two chances to put things together. The first time you figure out a plan and put it together, the second time you know the ups and downs and the assembly goes fairly quickly.

Crib #1 was assembled by Dad and Jeff.. there were a number of issues ranging from the wrong size screw hole to a broken pin. The screw hole was fixed with a penny washer and another crib side was ordered for the broken pin.

Fast forward to last night, assembly of crib #2.. Jeff was already aware of these issues and took care of them before assembly. Crib #2 also has a penny and thankfully the pin was fine in this crib.

Here is a picture of his handy work, along with the bedding (thanks Mom and Dad).. (oh yes I know about the bumpers, but I will have them in the crib until they move:))

Here is a closer picture of the bedding. I never thought something like bedding would take so long to pick out, but we feel as though we spent a longer time picking this out than picking out our house!

Monday, February 7, 2011

25 weeks!

Only 13 more weeks to go and we get to meet our (still unnamed) boys! At work today someone asked how far along I was and I said 25 weeks. Her response was wow that was the fastest 25 weeks ever! I think I am torn, has this been a quick 25 weeks or a very long 25 weeks. I guess it depends on what day you ask me!

I feel like I still have a ton to do. This weekend, the only thing I did to prepare for the boys was ironing their curtains, that are still on their bureau ready to be hung up. Oh well, this weekend we hope to get the rest of their room ready and start washing some of their clothes.

It is still amazing and wonderful to feel them kick everyday. It feels as though they are doing flips and getting stronger each day! I hope they stay in for at least 13 more weeks to get big and strong.

With the boys getting stronger and bigger each day, I too am getting bigger each day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

23 weeks... cha, cha, cha, cha, changes!

Wow.. 23 weeks already! Here is the latest and greatest picture:

There has been a lot of changes lately (not only with my body) but with our rooms as well. I had to pack up my craft room this weekend to set up the guest room and to make room for the boys. They will be here before we even know it. Here is the converted craft room:

The craft room may be packed up, but hopefully someday soon I will get back into crafting!

Here is to another healthy week with not too much snow!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

22 weeks, 1 day!

Happy snow day! This winter has been a perfect time to be pregnant, the weather has been horrible and I am happy to stay inside getting ready for the boys.

Yesterday Jeff and I went for another ultrasound to see the boys. Here are the latest and greatest pictures of Penit and Fudge! They sure are active boys.

Here is the only picture that can be taken of them together. They were head butting each other!

Penit was busy relaxing, sucking his thumb!

Fudge was just hanging out ready to have his picture taken!

Now for pictures of the babies from the outside. They have been kicking and dancing all the time. They are both strong enough for Jeff to feel them too. It is the best feeling in the world!

Here is the timeline of my belly. Funny to think that I thought I was big at 8 weeks!

18 weeks

20 weeks

I will take the 22 week picture tonight, but in the meantime here is a peek of some very generous presents the boys have already received.

Monday, January 10, 2011

21 weeks!

Wow.. 21 weeks! We are well on our way to getting ready for the twins. We went furniture shopping this weekend.. Put together one crib and Jeff spent part of this evening putting together a swing!

We are so excited to meet you, but keep on baking until you are both big and healthy! Mommy and Daddy love you!