Monday, February 7, 2011

25 weeks!

Only 13 more weeks to go and we get to meet our (still unnamed) boys! At work today someone asked how far along I was and I said 25 weeks. Her response was wow that was the fastest 25 weeks ever! I think I am torn, has this been a quick 25 weeks or a very long 25 weeks. I guess it depends on what day you ask me!

I feel like I still have a ton to do. This weekend, the only thing I did to prepare for the boys was ironing their curtains, that are still on their bureau ready to be hung up. Oh well, this weekend we hope to get the rest of their room ready and start washing some of their clothes.

It is still amazing and wonderful to feel them kick everyday. It feels as though they are doing flips and getting stronger each day! I hope they stay in for at least 13 more weeks to get big and strong.

With the boys getting stronger and bigger each day, I too am getting bigger each day.


Kristen said...

Holy Moly!! Look how long your hair is getting!! You still look fantastic! And if you ask me I think the past 25 weeks have FLOWN by!! :) Hopefully the rest of the weeks will fly by too!!!

Cheryle said...

Wendy, you absolutely are glowing!You look more beautiful every day.

I hope the boys are not fighting already? They seem to kick a lot!

I am amazed that MY first born, is having her own first and second born.

There are so few weeks left (easy for me to say). The time is coming up fast!

At least you know where the boys are now!